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American Lifestyle Magazine: Love The Little Things


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Turning Tides Financial, LLC welcomes the opportunity to share this American Lifestyle magazine with you and your clients!

American Lifestyle is a celebration of the flavor and flair of life in the United States, that allows the reader to travel on a journey through the nation’s sights, sounds, smells, and tastes. Turning Tides is excited to provide you with this gorgeous publication!

As Founder and Co-Owner of Turning Tides Financial, I can relate with how challenging it is to find time to enjoy this magazine. However, I believe once you feast your eyes on the beautiful photography, delicious recipes, and relevant articles, you’ll be glad you did!

Your time is valuable, it is possible that Turning Tides Financial can help you enjoy your days more, save some time and help your clients. We focus on Financial Transition Planning, Investment Management and Divorce Financial Strategies and Preparation. I would love the chance to connect with you to see how I can help you and your firm.

Feel free to share this issue with friends and colleagues and encourage them to reach out to me. I would love to hear what they think of American Lifestyle magazine.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Julianne Lepo, Founder, CDFA


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Turning Tides Financial, LLC welcomes the opportunity to share this American Lifestyle magazine with you and your clients!

American Lifestyle is a celebration of the flavor and flair of life in the United States, that allows the reader to travel on a journey through the nation’s sights, sounds, smells, and tastes. Turning Tides is excited to provide you with this gorgeous publication!

As Managing Partner of Turning Tides Financial, I can relate with how challenging it is to find time to enjoy this magazine. However, I believe once you feast your eyes on the beautiful photography, delicious recipes, and relevant articles, you’ll be glad you did!

Your time is valuable, it is possible that Turning Tides Financial can help you enjoy your days more, save some time and help your clients. We focus on financial planning, helping our clients understand their financial needs for both personal and business as well as offer investment management. In addition, we help clients prepare for estate planning and divorce financial preparation and strategies. I would love the chance to connect with you to see how I can help you and your firm.

Feel free to share this issue with friends and colleagues and encourage them to reach out to me. I would love to hear what they think of American Lifestyle magazine.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Katie Weibel, MBA, CDFA
