Considering Divorce?

~Am I going to be ok?~

We rarely plan for divorce and when we find ourselves entering the divorce process, it can feel extremely overwhelming. Turning Tides Financial proudly hosts Divorce Workshops throughout the year to equip you with the knowledge and tools to help you move forward. While we are not hosting workshops during the summer months (June, July, August), we are excited to announce we are offering a complimentary 60 minute 1:1 personal consultation in its place!

Divorce is never easy but you don’t need to walk this road alone. Let Turning Tides Financial be your financial advocate. See registration and contact information below.

Turning Tides Financial, LLC and LPL Financial do not offer legal advice. Please consult your legal advisor regarding your specific situation.

Divorced & Determined

My $ ~ My Future

Finally, you’ve both signed the agreement, the judge signs off . . . you’re Divorced! Now What?! A-LOT!

Now comes step 2. Yes, there’s a Step 2.

Next comes the unfinished business, and there’s plenty! This Post-Divorce workshop will help you recognize and navigate those many time consuming, possibly daunting, tasks that still remain. Do NOT assume this is part of the progression with your Attorney, but it is one of the many things I help you get completed!

The next steps for your new financial future are reviewed and discussed in our “Divorced & Determined” workshop.

This divorce workshop will provide checklists, insights, next step guidance, and how-to’s, among support and insight from others that have traveled this path and came out the other side stronger, and ready to face their New Financial Future! See registration and contact information below.

*More Information to Come*

Turning Tides Financial, LLC and LPL Financial do not offer legal advice. Please consult your legal advisor regarding your specific situation.

Register Today


Considering divorce but not ready to move forward, or is your divorce finalized, and you need help in tying up those loose ends?

Sign up below and we’ll notify you the next time we host a workshop in case you’d like to join us.


Sign up for a complimentary 60 minute 1:1 personal consultation. This is a great opportunity for a private talk where you can ask your personal questions surrounding divorce.